Press release, Product News

CRI 95 achieved on OptoDrive™ modules

Press Release:

OptoDrive modules have achieved CRI Ra above 95 in an independent spectral distribution test performed by the Swedish national test institute, SP. Never before has an LED’s light performance been so perfect.

OptoDrive are complete light modules including lens, driver and LED’s, all in one unit that can easily be incorporated into most types of light fitting. The trend in LED development has been to focus on brightness rather than on color rendering and consequently most LED solutions available today have the disadvantage that they don’t appear like natural light. Recently the development of better phosphors has improved LED performance and in the latest tests, the result gives a CRI 95 with flux levels that match the best “low” CRI products. The compact Optodrive modules open up completely new opportunities for exciting and functional design solutions with energy efficiency up to 80lm/W.

Balanced Light

The modules give superbly balanced light, both in terms of colour reproduction and spread, making them suitable for many different types of light fitting. The test where made at a high correlated colour temperature (CCT), 4600Kelvin, and in future it is a strong possibility to achieve this performance at even higher CCT values. The colour rendering index value achieved by the Optodrive modules is far beyond the standards required of workplace lighting where tasks demand extra accuracy in colour perception. It is even possible to use these light sources in applications such as medical lights, kitchen lighting, food retailing, art galleries, fashion or clothes displays and similar applications which require excellent colour reproduction.

The demands of having a CCT that closely replicates the same temperature as a regular light bulb have driven the development of these modules. LEDs have had problems to meet the necessity for warm white light with colour temperature values between 2650K and 4500K with excellent CRI. The Optodrive modules completely satisfy this requirement.

OptoDrive opens up completely new opportunities for new, exciting and functional design solutions. They are also very simple to add to your light fittings, giving a perfect light without effort and big commercial investments.

If you want to see for yourself how easy it is to add new light fittings which incorporate LEDs to your range, just request your sample evaluation sample by registering at (or call +46 (0)589 490 950). We will then send you an Optodrive evaluation sample. All you need to do is plug it in and light it up!