Product News

Crispy new modules

Optoga is launching a new Clara with 50° lens, and Clara Crystal, a new LED module with a focus on comfortable and stylish lighting for ceiling-mounted downlights.

“The technology is so far advanced, and now we have to see to the end user. It will be a good light, non-glare and looks great even when the fixture is off, “says Stefan Larsson, CEO of Optoga.

The new modules works directly with 230 volt, without the need for a driver that take up much space and complicates the design of fixtures.

“We want to develop products that make life easier for designers and luminaire manufacturers,” says Stefan.

Optoga have made their LED modules under the name Optodrive ™ since 2004. The hexagonal shape of various sizes have been appreciated by customers and continued since then. The electronics and the lenses have developed to better light, less energy consumption and smoother integration into fixtures. All design and development takes place in Sweden.


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