
It´s all about perspective!

The golf season is drawing to the end. This year marked the second year of Optoga’s sponsoring Youth and Handi-golf. It has been extraordinary this year and have seen many flying colors.
Well, the sport itself is just a small bit of success. The most important parts is the enthusiasm that has been created in Arboga. Hats off to the coaches and employees at Arboga Golfclub for making this happen.

Environment, people and integration are issues that are important and carries weight to handle in society. The fact that young people should come out and move and that disabled people should have the same opportunity is essential.  If this does not work, our society is deemed as closed and does not value the environment and nature properly.

We value this at Optoga!

Golf is a sport where everyone can socialize on the same terms and is a great source of power, inspiration and joy.

There must be an opportunity for fellowship to meet and feel good, “Golf is a sport where everyone can socialize on the same terms and is a great source of power, inspiration and joy.” A local commitment, where we make sure our youth can get away and play golf, compete and have fun together. Disabled people should have the same opportunity. It is equally important for the handi-golf to develop locally so that everyone has the opportunity to feel the same. When we understand and care for our society, we feel good as well.

Therefore, Optoga has worked with Arboga Golf Club, to make resources available locally. These resources are integrated into the activities of the youth and handi-golfer.