Press release, Medical

OptoDrive™ fight Ebola

Swedish LED-module manufacturer OPTOGA has recently been awarded an international contract for medical lighting installed in field hospitals fighting Ebola. ‘’It has always been about participating in this type of projects’’, said Stefan Larsson, Founder and CEO of OPTOGA.

OPTOGA’s LED-module OptoDrive™ has been proclaimed the best and thus been awarded the international contract. Several big industry LED manufacturing companies also participated in the bidding process and all had to go through very strict controlled tests. In the end it was the Swedish based company OPTOGA that was awarded the contract. The company’s LED-modules, specialized in medical lighting, will be fitted in examining lights used for treating Ebola. The examining lights will be installed in field hospitals to examine patient’s skin to detect Ebola symptoms and as examination lights when treating Ebola patients. Equipment used in field hospitals must be able to cope with tough conditions. LED light is well suited for these purposes. The LED modules are required not only to pass tough technical standards but also to have long lifespan and to tolerate heat and humidity.

OPTOGA has a substantial knowledge and long experience in medical lighting solutions. Stefan Larsson, CEO for OPTOGA explains, “The light reflecting on the skin should show different shades of colors, but the deep red is the most difficult shade to interpret. When the light succeeds in reflecting the different shades of red, doctors can capture the skin deviation in an easier and quicker way.”

OPTOGA has been working with medical modules for a long time. Technical challenges have always been the driving force behind the Company since Mr. Stefan Larsson started in 2004 together with two partners. ‘’For us who work with the product design, it has always been about participating in this type of projects’’.

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