
Hejdå Halogen, Hej Optodrive!

This coming Saturday September 1st 2018 will see the directional halogen spotlights wave its goodbye to European households and yield to energy-saving LED substitutes.

This is the second phase of EU-wide removal of the Halogen after initial ban campaign started in 2016 and the incandescent removal in 2009, in an EU’s effort to improve energy efficiency and cut carbon emissions.

Households consumers are no expert in energy saving products but could take good advices from published reports that a typical halogen consumes at least 5 times more energy than a replacement LED. What’s more, halogen bulbs fail after 2 years lifespan while LEDs should last 10 times longer. It might seem expensive when switching to LED products during first purchase but it is guaranteed energy savings within a flashing time frame. For those halogen-fans, halogen products are still available as long as inventory in the store lasts, however, new production orders are not allowed to be placed.

We are proud to present Optodrive’s star members in directional lights and they are available in AC. Welcome to navigate the following links and contact us if you are inspired to make your next spotlight design with light engine in AC!

Clara and Ada (Flickerfree) with optical holder offers a flexible system with a variation low build hybrid lenses: from a very narrow 10° spotlight beam up to wide 60° downlight beam.